Sikh Heritage: Celebrating Global Success through Calendars

Sikh Heritage Initiatives Sikhlens and Sikh Museum initiative have been pivotal in promoting and preserving the rich Sikh heritage worldwide. By disseminating educational calendars that capture this vibrant culture, they are ensuring that generations to come can connect with their roots. Global Distribution of Sikh Heritage Calendars The calendars were

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Digital Showcase at Sikhlens USA 2024

Sikhlens Festival 22 and 23 November 2024 California, USA The Sikh Scholar documentary was released to great fanfare at the Sikhlens Festival in California. It chronicles Gurinder Singh Mann’s transformative 25-year career in Sikh historical studies. The film showcases Mann’s groundbreaking research and innovative approaches, including his use of lectures,

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Sikh Swords

SMI 19: Sikh Sword-Talwar and KattiLocation: PunjabGeneral swords depicted The sword named a Talwar a weapon choice for Sikhs and a Katti a traditional Indian sword. History An observer during the Anglo Sikh Wars noted “Our English cavalry with their blunt swords were most unequally matched against the Sikhs with

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Harimandir Sahib Gold Dome

Harimandir Sahib Gold Dome by Sikh Museum Initiative on Sketchfab SMI 18: Gold dome-Harimandir SahibLocation: Amritsar, Punjab One of the Golden Domes on the sacred Sikh Shrine Harimandir Sahib or (Golden Temple) in Amritsar, Punjab. These domes can be seen on the upper part of the Gurdwara. History The shrine

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Sikh weapons

Sikh Weapons in 3d seminar

26th August 2020 Seminar which featured Royal Armouries Curator of Oriental Collections, Natasha Bennett, Gurinder Singh Mann and Taran Singh, both of The Sikh Museum Initiative, as they showcase three Sikh objects that have been rendered in stunning 3D. This project aims to bring these treasures to life in amazing

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Lahore Shield

SMI 16: Lahore Shield.Date: Probably early nineteenth centuryLocation: The Royal Armouries, Leeds: Object number: XXVIA.140 This round shield is of watered steel, elaborately decorated with a border in gold koftgari. Presented by the East India Company in 1851. History The Shield has a surface of the metal inside the border are

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Sikh Helmet

SMI 17: Sikh HelmetDate: Probably nineteenth centuryPrevious location: Lahore, Punjab.Location: The Royal Armouries, Leeds: Object number: XXVIA.35 A Sikh Helmet moulded into a shape resembling the Sikh turban. This is one of a small number of helmets, probably made in Lahore, with skulls or bowls shaped in the form of

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Akali Turban

SMI 21: Akali TurbanDate: Late 18thC/Early 19thC Punjab.Location: The Royal Armouries, Leeds: Object number: XXVIA.60 This turban is of tall conical shape, formed from many wrapped layers of fine dark blue cotton or muslin, the ends of which are ornamented with silver thread. Presented by the East India Company, circa 1853.

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