Sikh weapons

Sikh Weapons in 3d seminar

26th August 2020 Seminar which featured Royal Armouries Curator of Oriental Collections, Natasha Bennett, Gurinder Singh Mann and Taran Singh, both of The Sikh Museum Initiative, as they showcase three Sikh objects that have been rendered in stunning 3D. This project aims to bring these treasures to life in amazing

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Leicester Sikh Manuscript

In the above model select ” static pose ” or ” open” and press the play button. SMI 15: Sikh manuscriptDate: Early 1800 Size: 28 cm x 19 cmPrevious Location: Punjab, India. Location: MS 241, University of Leicester A Sikh Manuscript found on the battlefields of Ferozeshah, Punjab containing verses

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Khalsa Army Flag

SMI 14: Khalsa Army flag Date: Prior to 1849The Khalsa Army flag used by the Khalsa Army during the Anglo Sikh Wars of 1845-1846 and 1848-1849. The flag is composed of of triangular form with three seams, one side with central gilt solar motif on floral ground, the other with

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Henry Hardinge’s Sword

SMI 11: GOLD-HILTED SWORD (GLAIVE)  Date: Before 1800Origin: France-Napolean Bonaparte Presented by the Duke of Wellington to Lt. Col. Sir Henry Hardinge, later Field Marshal 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore, in 1817. Worn by him at the Battle of Ferozeshah in 1845. It was said to have belonged to Napoleon

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Brown Bess

SMI 10: Brown Bess Gun Date: Before 1800Used: Widely across the world The brown bess can be described as a muzzle-loading musket. This musket was used in the era of the expansion of the British Empire and acquired symbolic importance at least as significant as its physical importance. It was

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3d Digital showcase, special ‘Guru Nanak’ sword and 550th coin presentation

Guru Nanak ‘Avatars Sword’ Sunday 17th November 2019 Khalsa Jatha Gurdwara

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    SMI 3: Enamelled armlet, belonging to Sophia Duleep SinghDate: 1800-1840Size: 16cmLocation: Sikh Empire, Lahore, PunjabPresent Location: Private collection The armlet worn above the elbow is richly enamelled, the obverse set with various coloured stones including a coral, a pearl, an aquamarine foiled with orange, most likely a rose

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